Crystal Care
Crystals naturally vibrate and these vibrations are their healing properties. Cleansing is essential to your stones as it flushes all the negative energy which it has encountered throughout its journey to you and can continue to be effective in releasing their own energy and vibrations.
When crystals are not cleansed, they become stressed with all the negative energies which they have absorbed and are no longer working to help you and your environment.
There are many ways to cleanse your crystals, the method you choose should be the one you feel more comfortable with. Cleansing should be done initially and regularly. Be sure to check beforehand which method is best for your crystal as some are not suitable water or sun.
When to cleanse your crystals?
• When you get new ones
• After wearing to carrying throughout the day
• After someone has touched them
• Once a month if they are used regularly or as décor/display
• After an energy healing
• If you feel the crystal needs cleansing
Crystal Cleansing Methods
Water is a master energy and can be used in any form of ritual. Water is said to neutralize any negative energy stored inside the stone and return it back to the earth.
Crystals can be held under flowing water, such as spring, river, lake, rainfall, or your kitchen faucet.
*Caution* not all crystals can withstand water.
Rule of thumb is if the name ends with “ite” then it is not safe to be placed in the water. Listed below is a list of some crystals which are unsafe for the water.
Many of these crystals listed below may completely dissolve when placed in water, we recommend to always play it safe and do your own research.
• Fluorite
• Selenite
• Apophyllite
• Lepidolite
• Azurite
• Apatite
• Halite
• Malachite
• Labradorite
• Celestite
• Pyrite
• Hematite
• Tangerine Quartz
• Gypsum
• Opal
Place directly under the moonlight and charge it up under the full and new moons to get the most potent frequencies. Crystals can be placed on a windowsill If you are unable to leave outside. They should be placed once the sun goes down and moved once the sun comes up.
Crystals are energized under the sunlight; they can be left under the sun for a few hours. *Caution* some crystals will fade or change color using this method. The following crystals should not be placed under the sunlight; Amethyst, Celestite, Citrine, Fluorite, Kunzite, Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Topaz and Turquoise, to name a few. Opal will dry out in the sunlight.
Placing your crystals in the snow is a quick and powerful way to clear and program your crystals to hold long-lasting intent.
All stones come from the Earth, cleansing them by burying will reconnect that energy. The earth has a natural magnetic pull which will pull away any negative energy. Going back to the places from where it began is a powerfully effective means of clearing. Crystals can left buried for at least 24 hours.
Crystal smudging is referred to as burning either incense, sage, frankincense, rosemary, sweetgrass or myrrh by passing the stones several times through the smoke.
Doors and windows should be kept open during the smudging to allow the negative energy to leave the house.
Strike or ring a singing bowl, bell, or cymbal near the crystal for efficient energetic cleansing. Continue the vibration until you feel that your crystals are cleansed.
Superpower Crystals
There are some crystals believed to need no clearing and clear other stones. Selenite, quartz, carnelian, amethyst, and kyanite are among a few.
Place a piece of selenite next to your crystals will it allow it to constantly cleanse the other crystals around it.
Disclaimer: The information on our website comes from our own experiences and from research, books, and articles. Crystal healing and other types of energy work are not to be considered as substitute for traditional medical treatment. Crystals are not a prescription, diagnosis, or healthcare information. They are presented as spiritual supports to healing and other life issues. See a doctor or licensed medical practitioner for all health issues.